Rethink Robotics

Boston, MA 02210


About Rethink Robotics


27 Wormwood Street
Boston, MA 02210

More Info on Rethink Robotics

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building a better robot.

At Rethink Robotics, we believe that all manufacturers, regardless of size and technology experience, should have an equal opportunity to benefit from industrial robots. They should be affordable. They should be safe to operate around people. They should be easy to train and work right out of the box. And most of all, they should help U.S. manufacturers increase production while keeping jobs from migrating overseas.

Rethink Robotics is a new kind of robotics company, and our mission is to create a new kind of manufacturing robot. One that introduces robotics into processes that manufacturers have never been able to cost-effectively automate. One that uses common sense to perform a wide range of tasks and vastly improve productivity. And one that safely works side by side with its human counterparts, who are able to train it with no programming or engineering expertise.

Simply put, we are rethinking robotics. And we think you will, too.

Products & Press Releases

Rethink Robotics Mobile Robot with Cobot Arm

Mobile Robot with Cobot Arm

March 17, 2025
Rethink Robotics’ has combined its Rethink Ryder autonomous mobile robot with a Rethink Reacher cobot and a portable battery box allows for mobile manipulation. All components...
Co-Bots Make Inroads in Injection Molding

Co-Bots Make Inroads in Injection Molding

The use of collaborative robots in injection molding applications highlight their applicability in addressing real world labor shortages and providing fast return on investment...
Observations from The Automation Conference & Expo

Observations from The Automation Conference & Expo

From the value of ERP-to-controller connections to remote access and control, cybersecurity and collaborative robotics, discussions at the 2016 Automation Conference & Expo hit...
The Co-bots are Calling

The Co-bots are Calling

May 24, 2016
Suppliers say collaborative robots represent the disruptive automation that manufactures need to succeed in the future, but safety concerns still loom in the distance.
A One-Armed Collaborative Trend

A One-Armed Collaborative Trend

As the collaborative robot market continues to develop, one trend seems clear—these robots will have one arm for purposes of mobility and small space application.
Trending: Human-Robot Collaboration

Inside the Human-Robot Collaboration Trend

Specific demands from a range of manufacturing industries are driving the rapid development of cage-free robots that can work alongside or in close proximity to humans. Here’s...
Will 2015 Be The Year Of The Robot?

Will 2015 Be The Year Of The Robot?

A number of drivers, ranging from high-profile investments in collaborative robot technology to FDA approvals of robot use, appear to bolster both near- and long-term growth prospects...

Articles & News

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The Next Generation of Cobots Will Transform the Workforce

April 7, 2022
Lean about the next generation of industrial and collaborative robots that will be integral components of Smart Manufacturing.
Cobot End-of-Arm Tooling Advances

Cobot End-of-Arm Tooling Advances

With its new ClickSmart series, Rethink Robotics seeks to simplify the process of changing collaborative robotic tooling.
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Inspecting with Collaborative Robots

Rethink Robotics' display at Automate 2017 shows how its robots can be used in manufacturing and assembly quality inspections.
Automation Brings Manufacturing Back Home

Automation Brings Manufacturing Back Home

April 13, 2016
New technologies are driving the return of manufacturing to the U.S. Though automation can reduce or eliminate certain types of factory jobs, it’s essential to make reshoring ...
Robots Get Ready to Take on New Challenges

Robots Get Ready to Take on New Challenges

Feb. 11, 2016
Taking advantage of progress made in robotics in other fields, manufacturers are coming up with new ways to use the technology in industrial applications. Advances in healthcare...
Collaborative Robots As A Continuous Improvement Tool

Collaborative Robots As A Continuous Improvement Tool

Jan. 21, 2016
Looking to add cost-effective automation to capacitor manufacturing with collaborative robots, Cornell Dubilier doubled labeling speed, improved inspection quality, and the efficiency...

Videos & Resources

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The Power is in the Software! Driving Automation With Smart, Collaborative Robots

Nov. 6, 2017
Cobots are solving labor issues for manufacturers by automating tasks that can’t be solved by traditional industrial automation. Our robots get smarter, faster and more productive...
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A robot for $22,000?

Feb. 4, 2013
Baxter is a $22,000 robot from Rethink Robotics that performs repetitive tasks at modest speeds. Force-sensing technologies make it extremely safe for operation around human beings...

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All content from Rethink Robotics

In the second part of our series on collaborative robotics, find out what to expect as robots expand their roles into domains fo

Hand in Gripper: Safer, More Collaborative Robots Rise in Manufacturing

June 29, 2015
In the second part of our series on collaborative robotics, find out what to expect as robots expand their roles into domains formerly reserved for humans.