About Regal Rexnord Corporation
Product Summary
More Info on Regal Rexnord Corporation

At Regal Rexnord, we can help you make the complex simple.
At your fulfilment warehouse, would you like to increase automation, reduce costs, and decrease the need to manually handle packages? The System Plast® ModSort® module is a low-noise, low voltage modular transfer/diverter station that can move everything from tiny polybags to boxes. This suite of products can easily integrate with new or existing systems, eliminating the need for a lift, pneumatics, or Z-direction position feedback devices. Integration of the ModSort module’s run-on-demand technology into existing conveyor systems has saved some customers as much as $90,000 annually in labor costs alone, while increasing conveyor speed from 50 to 90ft/minute and eliminating the need for totes.
Additional end-of-line, adaptable systems are available, such as the ModSort Mobile Flats sorter for expanding capacity, and the ModSort Trident mobile three-way sorter with a four-zone infeed that gaps a product, reads the package, then diverts left, right or straight on a 30-degree spur-curve to one of three sorting locations. To learn more about the ModSort suite of products, visit
For washdown environments, Regal Rexnord’s many IP69K-rated products will help you meet CIP standards. Sealmaster® PN Gold™ mounted ball bearings with high performance triple lip seals, and USRB PN Gold mounted spherical roller bearings with double lip seals offer excellent protection against contaminant ingress. Hub City® Stainless Steel HERA® gear drives are built for sanitary operation with easy cleanability and polished stainless steel housings. HERA gear drives are 90% efficient, and can reduce and consolidate storeroom inventory with less SKUs - four models of HERA can replace 12 sizes of worm gear drives! Grove Gear® all-stainless steel worm gear reducers feature food grade synthetic lubricant with single-reduction ratios up to 100:1. To learn more, visit