
Ballston Lake, NY 12019


About Sixnet


331 Ushers Road
Ballston Lake, NY 12019
+1 518 877 5173

More Info on Sixnet

Siemens White Paper 5da5ad6d9a6e4

Sixnet, a Red Lion business, provides innovative machine-to-machine (M2M) industrial networking solutions that integrate wireless, automation and Ethernet switch technologies to better serve customers and markets worldwide. By integrating powerful enterprise-class networking with rugged reliability, our flexible solutions enable organizations to cost-effectively increase business productivity.

Articles & News

Sixnet Deal Finalized

Industrial Networking: Sixnet Joins Red Lion

Nov. 1, 2011
United Kingdom based Spectris, a supplier of instrumentation and control products, acquired Sixnet and is merging it with its Red Lion business unit.

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