ACS Motion Control

Eden Prairie Parkway, MN 55344


About ACS Motion Control


6575 City West Parkway
Eden Prairie Parkway, MN 55344

More Info on ACS Motion Control

Siemens White Paper 5da5ad6d9a6e4

Since 1985 ACS Motion Control has developed and manufactured advanced multi-axis motion controllers and integrated control modules. Our main focus has been ease of use while maintaining the power and flexibility required by a broad range of machine automation applications. Our products are used in packaging, printing, robotics, linear stage control, semiconductor manufacturing and testing, electronic assembly and testing, medical imaging and advanced digital printing industries.

Products & Press Releases

34319 Id Msm Right Angle
Supplier News

ACS Introduces IDMsm Intelligent Drive Module High-Performance Multi-Axis EtherCat® DS402 Drive for OEM Machine Builders

Dec. 8, 2020
ACS launches the first in a new line of high-performance Intelligent Drive Module products.
Aw 120301 1705np Acs

Multi-Axis Controller

May 10, 2017
The SPiiPlusES from ACS includes a high-speed EtherCAT-to-EtherCAT bridge to address the needs of highly demanding modern equipment.
Aw 116335 1703np Acs

CNC HMI Platform for High Precision Machining and Processing Applications

March 13, 2017
The SPiiPlusSMC Smart Motion Commander from ACS Motion Control significantly reduces the effort and time spent by the machine builder on developing and maintaining HMI software...
Aw 46987 2 8

ACS Motion Control Alternative to Moving Magnet

Feb. 23, 2015
ACS Motion Control has developed several advanced motion control algorithms for its SPiiPlusNT family of motion controllers and drives, designed specifically for linear motor ...
Aw 25367 Pdicl

ACS Motion Control Releases new product - PDIcl (NA)

June 25, 2014
ACS Motion Control has strengthened its line of EtherCAT network products with the development of a dual/quad axis pulse/direction drive interface module (PDICL) that delivers...
Aw 21921 1404np Acs

ACS Motion Control: Network Failure Detection and Recovery

April 14, 2014
The NetworkBoost feature for the SPiiPlusSC Soft Motion Controller increases machine uptime by indicating the exact failure location in an EtherCAT network.
Aw 8865 1203np Acsmotion 0

ACS Motion Control: PC-Based Motion Controller

March 22, 2012
This software-based control platform eliminates dedicated motion control hardware.

Articles & News

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Supplier News

ACS Motion Control Releases SPiiPlusCMxa EtherCAT® Motion Controller to Maximize Motion System Accuracy

Dec. 6, 2021
ACS Motion Control has released its SPiiPlusCMxa, the latest product in its SPiiPlus series of EtherCAT®-based master motion controllers. Suitable for applications with micron...

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