MESA International

Chandler, AZ 85226


About MESA International


107 S. Southgate Dr.
Chandler, AZ 85226
480 893 6883

More Info on MESA International

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Manufacturing Enterprise Solutions Association (MESA) International is a worldwide not-for-profit community of manufacturing companies, information technology hardware and software suppliers, system integrators, consulting service providers, analysts, editors, academics and students. The combined purpose is to improve business results and production operations through optimized application and implementation of information technology and best management practices.

Products & Press Releases

Desmond Savage, Manufacturing IT Consultant, Modus IOT

MES is Dead, IIOT has arrived.

Nov. 8, 2019
If your company is struggling to choose between an MES or IIoT solution, you won’t find the right answers until you begin asking the right questions.
Conrad Leiva

Making the Case for the Smart Manufacturing Ecosystem

Aug. 30, 2019
New advances in technology are helping manufacturers tackle all kinds of new problems, but the organizations that learn how to leverage the emerging innovation-driven ecosystem...
Chris Monchinski, MESA

How Smart Manufacturing Impacts Business Strategies

June 21, 2019
Smart manufacturing technologies are rapidly cropping up in organizations, and IT and OT are left having to deal with new issues every day. These six areas are where smart manufacturing...
Shaunna Balady, MESA International

Back to the Basics

April 19, 2019
In the evolving world of digital transformation and concepts like smart manufacturing, Industry 4.0 and cognitive manufacturing, it is important to remember the fundamentals.
Julie Fraser, MESA

Key Questions to Make Smart Manufacturing Work

Feb. 26, 2019
Asking important questions—and in turn letting those answers lead you to the next questions—will put you on the path to smart manufacturing. Here are some examples to consider...
Mike James, MESA International

The New Culture of Smart Manufacturing

Oct. 9, 2018
Technologies aren’t really the sticking point for digital transformation—it’s change. Which comes first? Process or culture?
Gelston Howell, Sanmina

The Business Value of Cloud-Based MES Technology

Aug. 20, 2018
Since taking its manufacturing execution system to the cloud, a large EMS provider has been able to achieve new levels of visibility, efficiency and quality.
Raffaello Lepratti, MESA International

Cloud, Automation and IoT: How MOM Is Making Them Work Together

June 27, 2018
Manufacturing operations management will not go away with the arrival of the Internet of Things. It will continue to provide the orchestration layer required for quite some time...
Aw 254502 Conradleivaweb 0

The Third Dimension of Smart Manufacturing—Value Chain Management

April 24, 2018
Manufacturers focused on optimizing ecosystems offering new value and service levels to customers might very well end up being the true winners of the smart manufacturing race...
Aw 245902 Juliefraserweb

Advancing Smart Manufacturing and IIoT—Together or Separately?

March 1, 2018
Is the Industrial Internet of Things an enabling technology of smart manufacturing? Or could smart manufacturing take a different path?

Articles & News

Eddy Azard
Digital Transformation

The Future of Manufacturing Isn’t What You Think

Oct. 26, 2023
To properly manage a manufacturing business, manufacturers must realize that all companies are data companies—and that requires standards-based technologies.
Sam Russem
Business Intelligence

How to Craft a Smart Manufacturing Business Case

July 18, 2023
Identifying the benefits and costs of smart manufacturing to demonstrate return on investment.
Aw Web Feature

Enclosures: The Workforce of Industrial Automation

Often overlooked and under considered, the right enclosure is critical to ensuring the healthy lifecycle of automation and industrial control applications.
2206 Web Features2

OEE as a Tool for Continuous Improvement

Four real-world application stories show why OEE remains a bedrock manufacturing metric for real-time data collection to enhance companies’ ability to take corrective actions ...
Aw 285396 Conradleivaweb 0 0 600211abd06ae
Supply Chain Management

The Evolving Smart Manufacturing Supply Chain

March 8, 2022
See how manufacturers who adopt Smart Manufacturing methods also gain a strategic competitive advantage in the marketplace.
John Clemons, Director of Manufacturing IT for Maverick Technologies

Demand-Driven Smart Manufacturing

Jan. 20, 2022
The new MESA International Smart Manufacturing Model provides the answers the industry is seeking on production agility, resource effectiveness, and quality control.
MESA Cybersecurity Working Group Chairman

Cybersecurity Myth: We Are Disconnected

Sept. 12, 2021
Many consider their manufacturing systems or industrial control systems “disconnected” and safe. However, there are a number of factors working against that assumption to threaten...

MES/MOM Certification Benefits Everyone

May 2, 2021
Rockwell Automation's Global Technical Lead for MES recently got his MOM certification from MESA. Find out why he says this program is worthwhile for system integrators, MES vendors...
John Clemons, MESA Marketing, Committee Chair

The Challenges of Smart Manufacturing

March 5, 2021
The Manufacturing Enterprise Solutions Association aims to address some of the problem areas of smart manufacturing—such as implementation, fitting different technologies together...
Conrad Leiva, Chairman of the Smart Manufacturing Working Group, MESA International

A Refined Smart Manufacturing Definition for 2021

Jan. 20, 2021
Discover how industry organizations need to converge on concrete guiding principles and a definition for smart manufacturing, in order to achieve the next phase of Industry 4....

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All content from MESA International

Dr. Ananth Seshan, member, International Board of Directors, MESA International

Digital Transformation for Small and Medium Manufacturers

July 9, 2020
Small and medium manufacturers have largely been hesitant to make the transition to a smart manufacturing system due to concerns over the cost and time investment. However, those...
Khris Kammer Web

The MESA Smart Manufacturing Model for 2020

March 5, 2020
In a world where everyone wants to uniquely define their work with different three- (or more) letter acronyms, it can be somewhat confusing to navigate the industrial space. The...
Michel Devos, MESA EMEA Board vice president, MESA

The MES/MOM is Opening the Path to the Smart Factory of the Future

Jan. 27, 2020
As the automation landscape moves into digital transformation, it's important to realize the role of MES and MOM software in creating the smart factory of the future.
Aw 154377 Conradleivaweb

What Is Smart About Smart Manufacturing?

Oct. 20, 2017
Although industry is just starting to progress toward smart manufacturing, leaders endeavor to elevate the connectivity and orchestration of manufacturing processes across the...
Aw 145712 Jimtomanweb 1

Setting Up for Smart Manufacturing Success

Aug. 16, 2017
If the promise of IIoT, machine learning and cloud-based mobile applications is to make it easier than ever to see data from the plant floor, adjust production and manage operations...
Aw 132947 Ericcosmanweb 1

Cybersecurity Guidance for Industrial Safety Systems

June 19, 2017
With targeted attacks on industrial automation and control systems, which are increasingly connected to other business systems, cyber vulnerabilities represent a significant potential...
Aw 119096 Jimtomanweb 0

Smart Manufacturing—A Distant Shore?

April 27, 2017
Though the promise of smart manufacturing technologies might not be realized fully yet, the cost of implementing traditional MES and realizing the benefits of connecting your ...
Aw 109970 Mikeleroyweb

How to Buy a Manufacturing Execution System

Jan. 2, 2017
Take the time to do the front-end work to position your project properly, and understand what will be required to approve the funding.
Aw 106746 Luigidebernardiniweb 6

Three Steps to Start the Smart Manufacturing Journey

Oct. 17, 2016
The most important thing is to get started. But here are some guidelines to get started transforming your organization.