
Norwood, MA 02062-4946


About Longwatch


520 Providence Hwy Ste 8
Norwood, MA 02062-4946

More Info on Longwatch

Siemens White Paper 5da5ad6d9a6e4

Longwatch was founded in 2004 by a team of HMI software veterans to address a difficult challenge facing the process control industry: provide integrated video surveillance for operational and security applications. Answering this need, the team developed the Longwatch Surveillance System, the only system that can transmit video over existing SCADA networks, as well as over the most up-to-date high speed networks.

Articles & News

IVC Acquires Longwatch

Industrial Video and Control Acquires Longwatch Technology

Feb. 6, 2012
Two companies focused on combining video with industrial automation join forces to expand use of “video MES” and other HMI SCADA technologies.

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