Industry IoT Consortium


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Products & Press Releases

Getting Started with the Digital Twin

How to Get Started with the Digital Twin

Digital Twins are more than a concept for the future of industry, they're a real-world technology being applied today. A session at the Internet of Things Solutions World Conference...
IoT Track and Trace Standard Developing

IoT Track and Trace Standard Developing

Emerging from the Industrial Internet Consortium’s Track and Trace Testbed is a set of requirements for a vendor-independent metamodel for data generated by hardware sensors.
Creating the Digital Future in Brownfield Plants

Creating the Digital Future in Brownfield Plants

How a technique from the 1970s can be used to leverage well-recognized measurements such as Operational Equipment Effectiveness and Total Productive Maintenance to transform brownfield...
Industrial Internet Consortium and Plattform Industrie 4.0 Align Architectures

Industrial Internet Consortium and Plattform Industrie 4.0 Align Architectures

Since developing an initial agreement in 2015, the two organizations have been working to align their architectures and reduce market confusion.
How to Evaluate Interoperability for IoT

How to Evaluate Interoperability for IoT

Successfully connecting devices from different suppliers has long been the goal in industry—and it’s imperative for the Internet of Things. Here are some key interoperability ...
A Blueprint for Applying Analytics to IIoT

A Blueprint for Applying Analytics to IIoT

Nov. 1, 2017
The Industrial Internet Consortium released a technical report that will help business leaders and system architects map analytics to IIoT applications, delivering valuable information...
Director of business development, B&R Industrial Automation; and Co-chair, IIC Smart Factory Task Group

What You Should Know About the Industrial Internet Consortium

Aug. 22, 2017
The IIC’s Smart Factory Task Group is engaging automation end users to craft a relevant Industrial Internet of Things framework.
Industrial Internet Reference Architecture Gets an Update

Industrial Internet Reference Architecture Gets an Update

This new version of the Industrial Internet Consortium's Industrial Internet Reference Architecture helps clarify its ideas and concepts.
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Are Automation Standards Ready for IIoT?

Nov. 2, 2016
Realizing the full potential of IIoT will require creating, interpreting and applying a comprehensive set of standards.
The Industrial Internet of Partnerships

Industrial Internet of Partnerships

The Industrial Internet of Things has generated plenty of technology-related discussions. Now it’s generating real world and, sometimes unusual, business partnerships and collaborations...

Articles & News


Artificial Intelligence Framework Addresses End User Concerns

March 29, 2022
The Industrial Internet Consortium releases a framework providing guidance on the development, training, documentation, communication, integration, deployment, and operation of...
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IIoT Connected Assets Guide

Industry IoT Consortium releases a guide designed to help manufacturers network connected assets and products.
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Industry Support Organizations Adapt to Digital Transformation

The Profibus/Profinet User Organization and the Industrial Internet Consortium announce operational changes reflective of IoT and Industry 4.0-driven changes to the industries...
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Business Intelligence

Demystifying Standards Development and the Benefits of Involvement

July 23, 2021
To help guide technology suppliers and end users in how best to engage with and influence the standards development community, the Industrial Internet Consortium has released ...

The Machine-To-Machine Marketplace

June 16, 2021
The convergence of technologies—especially Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, and blockchain—is setting the stage for a new “machine economy” where self-sufficient systems...
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Supply Chain Management

Simulating Supply Chains to Conquer Complexity

March 19, 2021
The Industrial Internet Consortium’s Supply Network Dynamic Simulation Test Drive has been developed to help companies grapple with the challenges of their global supply networks...
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Industrial Internet Consortium and Trusted IoT Alliance Combine Memberships

By joining memberships, the Trusted IoT Alliance brings a focus on blockchain and related distributed ledger technologies more squarely into the scope of the Industrial Internet...
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Connect with Digital Transformation Experts

The Industrial Internet Consortium launched a pilot program to connect industrial end users with experienced consortium members. The goal of this service is to help users identify...
Data Protection Best Practices in an IIoT System

Data Protection Best Practices for IIoT

Sept. 4, 2019
Unprotected data can cause disruptions in service, data leaks, negative brand reputation, heavy regulatory fines, or serious industrial accidents. And as the Industrial Internet...
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Not So Fast: TSN Not Quite Ready for Prime Time

Though standardization efforts for Time-Sensitive Networking continue at pace, it is still years before industry should expect to see a bumper crop of compatible products.

Videos & Resources

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Take Five

How to Engage with Standards Development

Aug. 13, 2021
On today's Take Five: A recent whitepaper from the Industrial Internet Consortium walks readers through the pros and cons of engaging with standards development groups.
Take Five

The Machine Economy

June 25, 2021
IoT, AI, and blockchain form the foundation of the machine economy marketplace. Watch this Take Five video to learn more about the future of self-sufficient machines autonomously...

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All content from Industry IoT Consortium

A Better Day for Worker Safety

A Better Day for Worker Safety

March 8, 2019
Powered by IIoT and analytics, a range of controls and other devices are making it easier to be safe while also increasing productivity.

Global Economic Shifts Bring Uncertainty in Automation

May 9, 2017
Major shifts underway around the globe—including a new U.S. administration and Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union—are bound to influence investments in manufacturing...

IIoT: The Cornerstone of the Digital Enterprise

Oct. 18, 2016
The automation industry is evolving and gaining tremendous value from the Industrial Internet of Things, laying the groundwork for the next era in smart manufacturing.
Industrial Internet of Things Standards In the Works

Industrial Internet of Things Standards In the Works

Aug. 29, 2016
OMAC, OPC Foundation and PLCopen collaborate on specifications that will allow their existing automation standards to share IIoT information.
Eliminating Indecision About the Internet of Things

Eliminating Indecision About the Internet of Things

OPC Foundation and Object Management Group announce a cooperative agreement to integrate their data communication technologies.