Supplying you with the most sustainable packaging solutions.
Product Summary
kp uses 100% recycled PET exclusively that can be recycled again which enables a circular economy and sustainable use of resources. Our in house PET flake cleaning process allows us to use up to 100% Post Consumer Recycled PET.
Focused on delivering its vision: The Sustainable Protection of Everyday Needs, kp is a global leader in rigid and flexible packaging, serving food and beverage markets, among others. With a broad and innovative portfolio of packaging and product films, kp plays an integral role in the customer value chain by safeguarding product integrity, improving sustainability and protecting brand reputation. Founded in 1965 kp has 32 plants in 18 countries and employs over 5,900 people committed to serving customers worldwide.
Most manufacturers Packaging World contacted have found only minor potential Y2K problems on their packaging lines. Still, bugs can be elusive, especially for more automated...