Invensys Operations Management: New Version of Corporate Energy Management Application

March 19, 2012
The application enhances the collection and contextualization of energy data, enabling users to lower energy costs by understanding granular energy consumption history and patterns in relation to production and manufacturing events.

Version 1.2 of the Wonderware Corporate Energy Management Application records consumption and demand at main and sub-meters for a wide range of energy types, including power, water, chillers, gas, air and steam. Rather then displaying energy cionsumption monthly (which can make it difficult to understand exactly how much energy was consumed and where), the updated application presents that information immediately, which, for large operations, can mean millions of dollars of savings annually. And because the application is built on the company's ArchestrA System Platform, it can leverage ArchestrA Workflow 2012 to close the loop on relevant energy events, enabling timely workflow actions that resolve or prevent energy overruns. Other features include enhanced hierarchies for more granular reporting, faster deployment and time-to-value; ability to scale thousands of energy meters; an offline meter mode that allows data import from RTUs, building management systems and manual input; meter name alias for quick meter recognition; and support for new meter types.
>> For more information in this product click here

Invensys Operations Management