Factory Automation - May 1st, 2023
News from the discrete manufacturing industries
Factory Automation | View online
May 1, 2023
The successful and ongoing process of creating GAF’s Factory of the Future involves creation of a specific plan for technology selection and deployment based around a digital thread concept connecting product, process, machine and material health.
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From Digi-Key Electronics

Increase your workflow speed, precision, and accuracy with Digi-Key's Robotics solutions.

From Digi-Key Electronics

Hammond’s Type 4 EJ series enclosures are ideal for use as junction and instrument boxes, and more.

This edition of our research series gauging insights from end users and system integrators explores two key technologies at the intersection between humans and machines: human machine interface and supervisory control and data acquisition systems...
Additive manufacturing, artificial intelligence and collaborative robots are changing every aspect of the manufacturing industries—from product design and production to supply chain strategies.
From Digi-Key Electronics

Easy programming, fit into small spaces and is quickly repurposed to a number of applications.

From Digi-Key Electronics

See what’s working and what needs repair. Save time, share and improve maintenance data.

When viewed in the context of three critical technology groups, Smart Manufacturing projects can overcome typical miscommunications that can sabotage progress.
Integrators offer their insights into the device and connectivity issues that require assessment to choose the right sensors for their clients’ Internet of Things deployments.
From Digi-Key Electronics

M23 circular DIN connectors Excel in performance and reliability in the most demanding environments.

Though there are no specific rules on how long or detailed a functional description should be, it's author should keep in mind that it’s dependent on the user's needs and the equipment and application being used.