Continuous Gas Analyzer

Aug. 7, 2016
Emersonā€™s Rosemount CT5400 Continuous Gas Analyzer analyzes up to 12 gases simultaneously.

The rack-mounted unit combines tunable diode laser (TDL) and quantum cascade laser (QCL) technologies within the same analyzer, using a patented ā€œlaser chirpā€ methodology that, unlike traditional technologies, allows the laser-based gas analyzers to respond quicker and measure continuously and to detect and identify a range of molecules in both the near and mid-infrared range of spectroscopic light with an enhanced dynamic range from sub ppm to percent levels. The unitā€™s modular and scalable design can incorporate up to six high-resolution laser modules and can detect, measure, and monitor up to 12 critical components simultaneously, eliminating the need for multiple analyzers and sample handling systems. The analyzer is designed for process applications, DeNOX/SCR, ammonium nitrate precursors, continuous emissions monitoring systems (CEMS), and continuous ambient monitoring systems (CAMS). Sharing many of the same measurement principles as the recently released CT5100 analyzer, which comes in a ruggedized Class 1 enclosure for hazardous area installations, this analyzer is a cost-effective alternative for plants with an existing shelter or safe area application.

>>For more information on this product, click here
Emerson Process Management (Rosemount)