Online Continuous Laser Process Analyzer

Sept. 13, 2016
The LGR-ICOSM Model 950 process analyzer From ABBā€™s Measurement & Analytics business performs ultra-sensitive measurements of industrial trace gases.

The new instrument uses Off-Axis Integrated Cavity Output Spectroscopy (OA-ICOS) technology developed by Los Gatos Research. This cavity enhancement absorption technique extends optical path lengths multiple miles to greatly improve sensitivity to such trace gases as CH4, CO2, CO, O2, H2S, HCl, NH3, HF, C2H2, H2O, and others. The analyzer is highly selective and interference-free with a wide dynamic range. The unit is simple to use, starts up in minutes, requires no field calibration and has minimal preventive maintenance requirements, and requires no consumables, columns, carrier fluids, or pre-scrubbers. Non-critical alignment of the optical bench and sample cell permits easy service in the field. Industry standard communications for data and diagnostics include analog 4-20 mA, digital Modbus, and Ethernet. A specialized USB port offers local data access without the need for red tag procedures. Options include hazardous area certifications, heated sample gas inlet, Hastelloy components, and analog outputs. Applications include refining, petrochemical, chemical, power, pharmaceutical, and other industries. Typical applications include monitoring trace components in calibration and industrial blanket gases; hydrogen and hydrocarbons; fuel gas and natural gas pipelines; stack gases; and many more industrial uses.

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