The 2-phase hybrid stepper motor has in excess of 30 percent more torque than conventional motors of the same size. Lengths range from 33 to 52.5 mm. The step angle is 1.8 degrees, holding torque (depending on model) ranges from 9 to 18 Ncm, and current per winding is 0.6 to 1.5 A. Like the company’s other SC series motors, this motor has an integrated connector that makes it easy to adapt cables for user applications, and comes with a connection cable. Motors are available in three lengths, each with one or two shafts. The version with the B-shaft is optionally offered with an NOE1 encoder with up to 2000 increments/revolution. The unit’s high torque and small size make it suitable for use in laboratory automation or in service robotics.
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Nanotec Electronic