This white paper describes four simple wireless rules of engagement that will ensure you can deploy and maintain a scalable, bullet-proof industrial wireless network. It also introduces you to the Apprion ION System, a unique offering that combines brains with brawn to detect threats, prevent attack, and allow wireless networks to perform reliably in industrial conditions where nothing else can.In addition to the technical complexities of wireless signals, facilities must also address the environmental challenges of implementing technology in industrial sites. Although this may seem obvious, many a plant manager discovered the hard way that wireless devices developed for office settings do not survive very long in industrial environments. Sitting next to a gas compressor is no place for an off-the-shelf wireless access point.In addition to withstanding extreme temperatures, humidity, and other harsh elements, industrial wireless also needs to adapt to variable power supplies. For example, the right equipment can allow you to monitor areas that are not cabled for electricity at all, or adapt to alternative power sources if power fails.In summary, what industry needs are specialized forces – a well organized battalion of wireless devices that are purpose-built for industry.Download white paper