HMS Networks

Chicago, IL 60601


About HMS Networks

We enable valuable data and insights from industrial equipment allowing our customers to increase productivity and sustainability.

Product Summary

At HMS, we believe that connecting matters, in everything from making devices, machines and systems talk, to engaging actively with our customers. Our state-of-the-art technology connects millions of industrial devices all over the world - in automation systems as well as in innovative IIoT applications.


35 E Wacker Drive
Suite 1900
Chicago, IL 60601
United States

More Info on HMS Networks

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HMS stands for Hardware Meets SoftwareTM.  Our technology enables industrial hardware to communicate and share information with software and systems. HMS has four brands: Anybus, Ewon, Intesis and Ixxat.  Our state-of-the-art technology connects millions of industrial devices all over the world – in automation systems as well as in innovative IIoT applications. 

Products & Press Releases


Raspberry Pi Adapter Board

June 12, 2024
The Raspberry Pi adapter board provides a method to test and evaluate the Anybus CompactCom, a communication interface that connects devices to any industrial network. Previous...

HMS Networks releases Raspberry Pi Adapter Board – further simplifying the integration of the Anybus CompactCom

Jan. 12, 2024
HMS Networks has launched the Raspberry Pi adapter board, providing industrial device manufacturers with a simplified method to test and evaluate the Anybus CompactCom, a...
Power Quality

Denison Technologies Integrates HMS Networks’ Edge Gateways Into Their Power Quality Monitoring System

Sept. 25, 2020
Denison Technologies and HMS Networks partner to bring a product that delivers industrial reliability and reduced unplanned downtime through continuous power monitoring.
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New Intesis Gateway Makes Communication Between Profinet and BACnet Easy

July 24, 2020
A new IntesisTM protocol translator for communication between PROFINET PLCs on factory floors and Building Management Systems with BACnet IP/MSTP.
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CAN-FD Multi-channel Ixxat PC-interface for Automotive Test Systems and Industrial Applications

June 29, 2020
HMS Networks now extends its Ixxat PC-interface portfolio with the multi-channel interface CAN-IB 640/PCIe that offers four channels each for CAN-FD/CAN and LIN connectivity.
Anybus Wireless Bolt Press Photo

Cellular Internet Connectivity for Remote Assets With the Robust Anybus Wireless Bolt IoT

June 17, 2020
HMS Networks announces the release of Anybus Wireless Bolt Internet of Things which enables reliable cellular-based internet connectivity for assets in the field, using the new...
Anybus Compact Com I Io T

Anybus CompactCom Enables Secure Industrial Internet of Things Communication for Devices

May 22, 2020
HMS Networks is announcing the availability of Anybus Com-pactCom IIoT Secure products for both EtherNet/IP and Profinet, including a new complete security platform for IIoT communicati...
2019: The Year of the Industrial Network Protocol

2019: The Year of the Industrial Network Protocol

The OPC Foundation, CC-Link Partner Association and ODVA have all made announcements about major moves planned for 2019, indicating serious movement toward greater device and ...
Interoperability and the Industrial Ethernet Rebound

Interoperability and the Industrial Ethernet Rebound

A variety of reasons have contributed to the slowing of industrial Ethernet’s growth rate over the past several months, but all signs continue to point toward it becoming the ...
Aw 96472 Ethernetip Linking Device Serial 2

EtherNet/IP Linking Devices

April 12, 2016
Connectivity solutions for the Rockwell Automation Logix Architecture

Articles & News

Source: HMS Networks

Industrial Ethernet Growth Continues as Fieldbus Declines

Aug. 4, 2023
HMS Networks’ 2023 study of industrial network technologies shows Profinet and EtherNet/IP leading the industrial Ethernet market with EtherCAT not far behind.
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Supplier News

Ewon Cosy+ Wireless—The New Standard for Wireless Remote Access to Industrial Machines

Dec. 2, 2022
With the new Cosy+ Wireless, HMS Networks finalizes the release of the new generation of Ewon® industrial remote access gateways, bringing IIoT connectivity and cybersecurity ...
Anybus Communicators
Supplier News

HMS Networks Expands Range of High-Performance Anybus Gateways

Oct. 13, 2022
New Anybus® Communicator™ gateways enable fast and simple communication between industrial networks for improved operational performance.
Product Image Email
Supplier News

Expanding HMS Networks’ industrial automation offering with Industrial Networking Solutions and MSI TEC

Sept. 8, 2022
Industrial Networking Solutions and MSI TEC will be expanding their HMS Networks offering by including Procentec products in their distribution on September 9th.

Why Industrial Ethernet Protocols Will Remain Relevant

July 28, 2022
While Time-Sensitive Networking technology can deterministically move data from one place to another via Ethernet, it’s the industrial Ethernet protocols that address specific...
Supplier News

An End-to-End Solution for Expert Level Post Sales Service & Support

May 12, 2022
Exosite, LLC, a leading provider in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) market, announced the partnership between HMS Networks and Exosite that delivers OEM Equipment Manufacturers...
01 Hms Communication Solutions For Bess
Supplier News

HMS Presents Communication Solutions for Battery Energy Storage Systems

April 7, 2022
HMS Networks is now presenting several communication solutions for the rapidly expanding battery market. Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) require communication capabilities...
47797 Petshop Dog
Supplier News

Pet Health and Welfare Aided By Hi-Tech Building Controls

Nov. 11, 2021
The UK’s largest pets supplies retailer is enjoying significant energy savings across its entire retail network while ensuring that ideal animal welfare conditions are maintained...
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Supplier News

Power Central Leverages Ewon® Flexy in Unified ERP Solution for Food Packaging Businesses

Oct. 1, 2021
Power Central, a systems integrator specializing in food packaging process optimization, is offering an Azure-based solution for food packaging. What used to take manufacturers...
44979 Harbor Worker With Joystick
Supplier News

Network Communication Opens New Opportunities for Industrial Joysticks

Sept. 23, 2021
Lifting a steel beam, moving a container or controlling a crane does not require much raw strength nowadays. On the contrary, what is required is dexterity and a joystick. Kristianstads...

Videos & Resources

Emerson Vr2
Plant Maintenance

Technology Matters: Remote Access, Virtual Workforce Training, and Functional Machine Safety

A review of automation technology developments recently covered by Automation World to help you stay on top of what’s happening in the world of industrial automation.

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All content from HMS Networks

By using Smart Grid gateways for monitoring energy networks, existing systems, new devices and control systems can be connected – regardless of the communication technology or the manufacturer brand
Supplier News

Monitoring of Energy Networks – How to Make it Easy and Secure

Sept. 10, 2021
Cloud and cyber security in critical energy applications - Digitalization and IoT (Internet of Things) is a clear trend within power plants and substations, just as it is in industrial...
M2Web is a free standard service of Talk2M that provides secure browser-based mobile access to remote HMI, web server, PC and panels. Source: Ewon by HMS Networks

The Benefits of Virtual Troubleshooting

Use of remote access technologies for maintaining and troubleshooting equipment has been gaining in popularity over the past several years. Now, amid the COVID-19 crisis, remote...
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Not So Fast: TSN Not Quite Ready for Prime Time

Though standardization efforts for Time-Sensitive Networking continue at pace, it is still years before industry should expect to see a bumper crop of compatible products.
Safety Gets Connected

Safety Gets Connected

Rockwell Automation's merger of RASWin with Safety Automation Builder underscores a growing trend to integrate safety into the machine design process and connect it for Internet...
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Time Synchronization in the Nanosecond Range With IXXAT Software

April 6, 2016
Adding to the existing and proven IXXAT IEEE 1588 solutions, HMS now presents protocol software for IEEE 802.1AS – the first commercially available software package for highly...
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New EtherNet/IP Linking Devices Enable Communication Between Rockwell PLCs and Devices on PROFIBUS, Modbus-TCP and Serial Lines

Nov. 12, 2015
HMS Industrial Networks now introduces a new family of Linking Devices for EtherNet/IP allowing users to connect any serial, PROFIBUS or Modbus-TCP device to a Rockwell ControlLogix...
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Rockwell Automation Chooses Netbiter for Online Monitoring of Variable Frequency Drives

Nov. 10, 2015
Rockwell Automation has decided to leverage Netbiter EasyConnect gateways as a hardware platform for remote monitoring.
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New Ways to Interconnect the PROFI-World

Sept. 9, 2015
Automation engineers frequently need to bridge the gap between different protocols and networks used in a plant, but they also need to enable communication between equipment within...

Information Flow and the Future of Manufacturing

May 15, 2015
Industry 4.0’s success depends on information being able to flow seamlessly around a manufacturing process and beyond.