Aveva showcased its Insight guided analytics tool at PACK EXPO Connects. This software gives users access to all of an organization’s production and performance data in user-defined views so that the information delivered is relevant to the specific user.
Conducting the demo in Aveva’s virtual booth at the event, Omar Almasri, technical sales consultant, asset performance management at Aveva, explained that the cloud-based Aveva Insight software has been extended beyond its initial design to collect, store, visualize, and analyze real-time process and production data and now features an “immersive guided analytics toolset that leverages fit-for-purpose content to automate remediation of asset performance issues. Failure modes, predictive models, asset types, remediation maintenance plans, and fault diagnostics are now available in Insight's cloud-based asset library. This means that information for general purpose assets such as pumps, motors, and drives can be leveraged to generate actions based on analytics or create condition-based alerts.”
Walking demo attendees through the basics of Aveva Insight, Almasri showed how the software has sent him an email notification indicating a potential issue with “motor number 1” on the production line due to a potential bearing anomaly. In the email, he sees details showing the specific operating parameters that have been crossed by the motor, the consequences of motor failure to the line, and prescriptive actions he can take to solve the issue.
In addition to personalizing the view into the system for each individual user, Aveva Insight “keeps track of the data related to the assets that the user has viewed and analyzed in the past,” said Almasri.