Automating procurement
Automation is no longer just about production. Front office tasks, such as procurement, are getting automated as well. But what aspects of procurement should manufacturers look to automate first?
Pray said, from a distributor perspective, it’s important for them to automate the process of providing price and availability information to their manufacturing industry customers. “I don't know how many people really, truly enjoy going from website to website, copying and pasting pricing and quantity information into a spreadsheet to do comparables,” he said. “That’s a process that's well-handled by computers. So that's where most people should start because it's really where your biggest [procurement] pain points are.”
This recommendation from Pray about automating the pricing and availability aspects of procurement stems from experience with customers wanting updates on their orders and back orders. With these procurement processes automated between the distributor and customer, Pray said it’s easier to manage post order follow-ups by sharing information from the current location of the order to when it’s expected to be delivered—all the way into receiving.
He noted that, in this way, distributors like DigiKey are in much the same place as their customers when it comes to procuring supplies. “We're looking for the same things,” he said. “Once we've placed an order, we want to know when that order is going to hit our warehouse and how quickly we can get it turned around for sale.”
What’s DigiKey doing?
Considering that distributors have a lot in common with their customers when it comes to procurement, many manufacturers are interested to know what distributors are doing to protect against the multitude of issues that can impact the supply chains they depend on.
“We’re always engaging with our suppliers, because we needed to understand what lists [of products and components] could be impacted and by how much so that we can move as quickly as possible…and adjust our inventory levels so that we can weather the storm,” said Fulara.
To provide a non-emergency example of how DigiKey deals with these supply chain impacts, Fulara offered an example of a hypothetical new European standard that requires compliance within six months. In such cases, “our customers need to understand where the SKUs they are sourcing fall within these new requirements,” she said. “We make sure the information is included on the SKU page and that we are marketing that appropriately online…and safeguarding our inventory” to deal with any scenario.
“I think everyone is really more aware today because of the pandemic that anything can be impacted,” said Cunha. “That’s why we're looking at where the items we need are manufactured, where are there alternates and what could the impact be based on raw materials, transit or labor issues from a procurement perspective. That’s why we offer alternates on our parametric search…so that engineers using that front end can have as many options as possible so that when they hand that order off to procurement, they're not stuck.”
Fulara added that DigiKey always monitors its websites to “see what types of products are being searched for so that we can lean into the right products that our customers are looking for to make sure that we have the broadest portfolio that we can to hedge against any types of situation.”