Compact E-Stop Switches

April 1, 2009
The XA (16mm) series of emergency stop switches is available with a new compact unibody with only 19.5mm depth behind the panel. 
Available in 29mm and 40mm mushroom operators, these E-stops are easy-to-spot in red, yellow or gray. The switches are available with engraved EMO markings. When used in combination with switch guards, these switches comply with SEMI S2 standards, while only being 27.9mm behind the panel with up to four contacts. The switches offer up to four contacts with the vendor’s “safe-break” technology. This design uses the spring-pressure to assure that the NC contacts will open if the emergency switch is damaged or the contact blocks break off due to excessive force, while still maintaining a depth behind the panel that is less than half of a conventional E-Stop switch. Push-to-lock and pull- or turn-to-reset, is designed to eliminate any confusion for operators when resetting the switch.IDEC

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