The Wind show, part of Hannover Messe, is staged in odd-numbered years and the 2011 show saw 241 wind industry companies exhibit on a combined area of 100,104 square feet and attract more than 82,000 trade visitors. In 2013, the Wind show will be located in Hall 27 and the choice is deliberate. As the Hannover Exhibition Center’s largest building, Hall 27 has the capacity needed to cater for the dynamic growth that has characterized the Wind show in recent years.The 2013 show will mark the first time that offshore technologies and services will have their own dedicated display, located in Hall 27. The Wind show's new offshore theme park reflects the growing importance of this highly specialized renewables segment. It will cover all facets of offshore wind generation, from financing and planning through to project realization, grid connection and maintenance.
“We expect further growth next year, especially given the ever-increasing awareness of this important renewable-energy technology in worldwide markets.” says Oliver Frese, senior vp, Deutsche Messe.
And the Wind Show's close proximity to the Energy show in halls 12 and 13 mean added convenience for trade visitors and valuable synergies for exhibitors. Other Hannover Messe display areas that have close links with the wind sector include the Motion, Drive & Automation (MDA), SurfaceTechnology, Industrial Supply and Industrial Automation shows. Wind energy themes will also be addressed in detail at the Industrial Supply show’s Wind Energy Subcontractors Forum and at the MDA Forum.
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