You may be aware that my time with Automation World is somewhat divided. A significant portion of my time is, of course, devoted to content development and direction for the Automation World website and print publication. An equally significant amount of my time is devoted to content development for The Automation Conference.
Though we receive quite a bit of feedback from attendees during the conference and via the evaluation forms they fill out for each session, I was surpised to see a completely unsolicited piece of feedback on the event appear on an unaffiliated U.K.-based website. The article was posted by Chris Jones, group sales manager of control at tna, a U.K.-based supplier of integrated food packaging equipment with more than 6,000 systems installed in more than 120 countries.
Here's a sample of what Chris had to say about the conference: "As this was my first visit to The Automation Conference I was unsure of what to expect when I arrived in the so-called 'windy' city. I knew from the conference’s promotional material that I would be treated to a range of presentations covering a diverse selection of topics from using mobile and cloud to revolutionise manufacturing to the benefits of integrating quality management systems into process management environments. The presentation sessions didn’t disappoint and provided useful insights into the latest innovations and approaches to leverage automation. They helped spark lively debate amongst the delegates and the presenters too!"
Read all of Chris's take on the The Automation Conference.
Needless to say, all of us affiliated with The Automation Conference were very happy to hear about Chris's impression of the conference. With planning for the 2014 event already underway, we're already getting very excited about the potential for next year's event. Keep up to date on developments around the 2014 conference and view samples of past presentations at The Automation Conference website.
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