Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108-5006


About ODVA


4220 Varsity Drive, Suite A
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108-5006
+1 734.975.8840

More Info on ODVA

Siemens White Paper 5da5ad6d9a6e4

Founded in 1995, ODVA is a global association whose members are comprised of the world’s leading automation companies. ODVA’s mission is to advance open, interoperable information and communication technologies in industrial automation.

Products & Press Releases

Ether Net Ip Logo

Ethernet/IP Enhanced To Further Address Industry 4.0 And IIoT

May 1, 2020
ODVA has enhanced EtherNet/IP with improved network diagnostics, new methods to optimize bandwidth, and resource requirements for devices, and the addition of IIoT building block...
2019: The Year of the Industrial Network Protocol

2019: The Year of the Industrial Network Protocol

The OPC Foundation, CC-Link Partner Association and ODVA have all made announcements about major moves planned for 2019, indicating serious movement toward greater device and ...
Coming Soon to Your Ethernet Network: Time Sensitive Networking

Coming Soon to Your Ethernet Network: Time Sensitive Networking

At the ODVA 2015 Industry Conference, a great deal of focus was directed at Time Sensitive Networking and its potential to bring determinism to industrial Ethernet networks.
Connecting Expertise Along the Supply Chain

Connecting Expertise Along the Supply Chain

A combination of video, audio and data can be used to connect remote experts in the manufacturing supply chain to avert or solve production bottlenecks and train workers.

Articles & News

An example of EtherNet/IP CAT5e cables from Belden.

EtherNet/IP Gets New Process Device Profiles

June 2, 2023
ODVA has added process device profiles to the EtherNet/IP specification to provide a standard format for process variables and diagnostics and support Ethernet-APL.
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EtherNet/IP: A CIP-Based Protocol for Discrete and Process Applications

This installment in Automation World’s continuing series on key industrial network technologies clarifies what EtherNet/IP is and traces its development as a leading Ethernet-...
Cus Odva Conformance Testing[48]
Supplier News

ODVA Conformance Testing Available for Ethernet/IP Devices on the Ethernet-APL Physical Layer for Process Automation

Nov. 9, 2022
ODVA announced today that conformance testing is now available for EtherNet/IP network-enabled devices that communicate over the Ethernet-APL physical layer.
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Supplier News

Joint Consortium Standardizes Common "Power Consumption Management" for the Shop Floor

June 7, 2022
A new interface standard for the acquisition of energy consumption data in industrial manufacturing is being developed by ODVA, OPC Foundation, PI, and VDMA based on OPC UA.
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Supplier News

Single Common Conformance Test Plan to be Available for the IEC/IEEE 60802 TSN Profile for Industrial Automation

June 7, 2022
The Avnu Alliance, CC-Link Partner Association, ODVA, OPC Foundation, and PROFIBUS & PROFINET International jointly announce that they are collaborating to develop a single conformance...
Fieldbus organizations like the EtherCAT Technology Group acknowledge the value of OPC UA and see it as a complementary standard in industrial control networking. Courtesy: EtherCAT Technology Group

How OPC UA Creates Interoperability and Gives Data Context

May 17, 2022
This second installment in a four-part series on key industrial network technologies explains why OPC UA continues to be recognized as the global interoperability method of choice...
SPE uses a single twisted pair of wires, as opposed to the two or three used in other forms of industrial ethernet.

Industrial Ethernet Advances Broaden the Network’s Value Across Industries

July 13, 2021
Recent innovations in industrial Ethernet’s physical layer—Single Pair Ethernet and Ethernet Advanced Physical Layer—are being heralded as game-changers for their ability to extend...
Open Devicenet Vendor Association Odva Vector Logo
Supplier News

CIP Security Enhanced to Support Resource-Constrained Ethernet/IP Devices

April 14, 2021
ODVA is pleased to announce that CIP SecurityTM, the cybersecurity network extension for EtherNet/IPTM, has added support for resource-constrained EtherNet/IP devices. CIP Security...

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All content from ODVA

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Network Protocols Harmonize Around Time-Sensitive Networking

Aug. 14, 2020
As the TSN standard nears completion, excitement is growing over the prospect of bringing IT and OT closer together. Industrial protocol associations have been working hard with...
The well-known trunk-and-spur configuration will serve as the general topology for Ethernet-APL. Source: Profibus & Profinet International.

OPC Foundation Joins APL Project; Announces OPC UA Motion

Highlighting its role in the development of new industrial process and discrete communications, the OPC Foundation has joined the advanced physical layer for industrial Ethernet...
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Not So Fast: TSN Not Quite Ready for Prime Time

Though standardization efforts for Time-Sensitive Networking continue at pace, it is still years before industry should expect to see a bumper crop of compatible products.
New Technologies Extend the Life of Legacy Fieldbus Networks

New Technologies Extend the Life of Legacy Networks

Jan. 24, 2019
Neither Ethernet nor fieldbus have all the answers for industrial applications. Suppliers and industry groups are working on ways forward that take into consideration the needs...
Figure 1: CIP Security™ is designed to protect Industrial Control Systems (ICS) in the new era of automation.

ICS Built-in Security in Today’s Connected Enterprise

ODVA, FDT Group cooperate on standards, tools that protect a connected company’s assets. Joint development builds security infrastructure.

Networked I/O Rides the Ethernet Wave

Users are taking advantage of the different ways suppliers are exploiting Ethernet and the various communications protocols available to distribute I/O devices.