About Softing Inc.
Product Summary
Knoxville, TN 37920
United States
More Info on Softing Inc.

Softing is a leading global provider of products for Industrial Automation. For over 35 years, the core business of Softing Industrial Automation has been industrial data communication in the form of chips, stacks, software suites, and hardware modules.
Softing's OPC/OPC UA code is the reference software for the OPC Foundation. Softing is also a market leader in FOUNDATION fieldbus as well as other fieldbus technologies such as PROFINET and EtherNet/IP. For enterprise-level communications, Softing offers the OPC/OPC UA software suite, dataFEED OPC, which provides OPC/OPC UA Client and Server connections. Softing has a range of hardware-based OPC UA Server modules. For end-to-end database-to-controller data exchange, Softing offers both in-chassis and standalone hardware modules in its tManager and echocollect modules.
In addition to communication modules, Softing offers Cable Testing and Network Monitoring tools. For PROFIBUS DP/PA networks the PROFIBUS Tester 5 is the most complete diagnostics solution available. For Ethernet, WireXpert is a cable certifier capable of CAT 5e/6/6A/7/7A and CAT8 testing on both copper and fiber. For online monitoring, TH Link modules offer dedicated hardware for EtherNet/IP, Modbus/TCP, PROFINET and PROFIBUS and all can be accessed from a web browser. The TH Scope software provides additional diagnostics to these monitor modules.
All of these products are available from leading industrial distributors throughout North America.