The ISO certification covers Kop-Flex’s design and manufacture of mechanical power transmissions, flexible shaft couplings, gear type, diaphragm and disc type, resilient type, universal joint type, and high misalignment gear type and its torque monitoring system. Kop-Flex was the first coupling manufacturer in the United States to receive ISO certification in 1992.
ISO 9001 certification demonstrates a company's compliance with ISO 9001:2008, a set of guidelines developed by the International Organization for Standardization. These standards outline a philosophy of quality management and have been deployed in more than 160 countries.
“Our customers rely on Kop-Flex coupling products for their most demanding applications,” said Bob Dogge, Emerson Industrial Automation, vice president of operations - Couplings. “This latest ISO 9001:2008 certification validates what our customers already know: worldwide Kop-Flex products are engineered and manufactured to the highest quality standards.”
Independent auditors interviewed the leadership team at Kop-Flex’s Florence facility in February 2012 to develop an understanding of the leadership’s endorsement of the quality principles of ISO 9001. While on-site, the auditors reviewed the corporate goals that pertain to quality management and Kop-Flex’s senior management’s commitment to ensure compliance to the ISO management guidelines. In addition, auditors observed employees in their day-to-day activities and reviewed how well they follow established processes, the mechanisms in place to identify defects and the resulting corrective actions.
Kop-Flex produces heavy-duty industrial rotating shaft couplings and technology to serve industrial applications from pumps to compressors in petrochemical, process, pulp and paper and metal rolling industries.