The safety software developed by IXAAT ( uses the SMP (Sercos Messaging Protocol) that enables the representation of the CIP data and services on configured, cyclic data containers in the Sercos International ( telegram. Due to the modular architecture of the CIP Safety protocol software, the stack can be used for Sercos III as well as for EtherNet/IP without any restrictions.
The software package contains the protocol stack software for Sercos III and EtherNet/IP, a safety manual, and unit tests. Because all components are made available as ANSI-C-code, porting to customer-specific safety platforms is possible with a minimum of effort. The unit tests provided considerably facilitate the recertification of the CIP Safety protocol software after porting the code to a safe target platform. To keep the cyclical and clocked communication of Sercos III intact, the CIP messages and TCP/IP telegrams are transmitted in the Unified Communication Channel (UCC) which is an integral part of the Sercos transmission method.
The blended infrastructure approach was announced in April 2012 by Open DeviceNet Vendor Association (ODVA) and SI as one of the first practical results of the machinery initiative, in which SI, ODVA and OPC Foundation collaborated.
“It is an invaluable advantage for users and suppliers to use a standardized safety protocol and a uniform protocol software for different bus systems. Development costs and investment risks are reduced to a minimum,” says Peter Lutz, Managing Director of Sercos International.
IXXAT provides various services regarding the CIP safety technology, such as consulting, code introduction, integration workshops, implementation support of the CIP Safety software in customer-specific hardware and software, and assistance in final device certification.