Mesa International Launches "Executive Point-of-View" Program

May 8, 2013
Mesa International announced today the launch of a new program aimed at showing the business value of MES/MOM solutions to company executives considering such investments.

Mesa International announced today the launch of a new program aimed at showing the business value of MES/MOM solutions to company executives considering such investments. The "Executive Point-of-View" program will frame these real-time Operations solutions in a business context, helping a company's senior leadership understand the value of a potential solution and the guiding principles required for implementation success.
The program further aims to help demystify the space, educating executives in practical business terms about what MES/MOM is and what it can mean for their organization. It will address many of the questions companies ask when considering an investment in real-time operations solutions, including:
What is MES/MOM, and what will it do for our business?
How is this different from our ERP solution?
What are the real benefits? What benefits have others in our industry realized?
What are MES/MOM best practices? What should we avoid?
MESA will team with Brock Solutions, a long-time Mesa supporter and integrator in the real-time space, to drive the initiative and deliver the program. On behalf of Mesa, Brock's experienced consultants will work with a company's senior leadership to understand the business and challenges. The team will develop an initial hypothesis for MES/MOM as a business enabler and map those goals to people, processes, and applicable technologies. The program will clearly articulate if and how MES/MOM can enable the company's business initiatives.
Engagements are expected to occur over a 2 to 4-week time period, culminating in a wrap-up workshop with Brock reviewing their findings with the broader executive team as a group. General information and findings not proprietary to a company's engagement will come back to MESA to be prioritized and added to the pool of Executive Point-of-View deliverables.
Mesa itself does not staff business consultants and has no plans to do so. The not-for-profit prefers to build a broad set of tools that will better enable manufacturers/producers and solution providers to work more effectively together. That effectiveness is hampered due to a knowledge gap between business leaders and their teams.
Mesa president Mike Yost said, "Our members are telling us loud and clear they need Mesa's help educating their business leaders on the value of MES/MOM solutions. Brock has extensive experience working with executive teams from a variety of industries to help educate executives in practical, business terms about what MES/MOM is and what it can mean for their organization. I'm excited to be teaming with them to address one of our members' most pressing priorities."
Stephanie Mikelbrencis of Brock Solutions will lead the initial executive engagements. Julie Fraser, Mesa's Outreach Director, will lead the overall program within MESA. Mikelbrencis, also a MESA Americas Board member, commented, "A week doesn't go by that we're not asked by our customers and others we meet in the market to help fill a gap in their understanding of MES/MOM from a business context. We at Brock have been delivering consulting services to many organizations to provide the kind of clarity and alignment required for an executive team to make decisions on how to best start down the MES/MOM path. We think MESA should have similar tools for its members and are excited to spearhead the initiative to formalize them."

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