Augmented reality moves beyond entertainment and aids military intelligence-gathering.
We’re hearing a lot about augmented reality these days. Sure, the technology is a gaming favorite, but it’s also slowly creeping into business and non-entertainment applications.
Now the military is getting in on the augmented reality action. LimpidArmor, a company based in the Ukraine, has incorporated Microsoft’s HoloLens AR system into a new combat helmet aimed at tank commanders, according to a recent article on Using something called the Circular Review System (CRS), the helmet is integrated with cameras outside the tanks and is able to give commanders a 360-degree view of both optical and thermal systems without exposing the commanders to risk. The CRS system can help users discern whether someone nearby is friend or foe, more accurately distinguish targets, and deliver all sorts of information related to the battlefield directly to the commanding officers.
Beyond the military applications, Microsoft’s HoloLens device is the subject of experimentation in other industries for training and as an alternative means of planning and blueprinting large-scale projects.
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