The series is now available with output voltages of up to 160, 320 or 650 VDC, extending the line-up from 100 VDC maximum. These higher voltages address the requirements for applications such as deposition processes, remotely operated underwater vehicles, ATE systems as well as general laboratory and industrial use. The new models have the same features and compact dimensions (2U high and 2.76 inches wide) as the existing models and have efficiencies of up to 86%. They can operate in either constant-current or constant-voltage modes and accept a universal 85-265 VAC input. Up to six units can be connected in parallel (master-slave configuration), or two identical units in series with external diodes. All models can be programmed via the front panel controls or remotely using the USB, RS-232/485 or analog control interfaces. Optional LAN, GPIB (IEEE 488) and isolated analog programming interfaces are also available.