Customized Panels Designed Directly on the Web

March 17, 2011
With the new Panel Designer application, B&R offers a free online tool that allows users to creatively design the exterior surface of their panels.

In just a few simple steps, machine manufacturers and end users can quickly and easily implement their unique corporate designs or experiment with completely new ideas from anywhere in the world. Guided by an intuitive interface, it only takes the user a few clicks and some creativity to turn the standard display exterior into a individually designed panel. From the smallest visualization panel to the largest B&R Panel PC, custom layouts can be designed and downloaded within just a few minutes. Creativity knows no limits thanks to the extensive design options available in the Panel Designer.

Intuitive user guidance

Once a particular operator panel is selected from the range of available products, the user has a nearly endless supply of design and arrangement options to choose from. In addition to choosing a background color, uploading a company logo and assigning individual buttons, different fonts can be selected in any size and color to achieve the desired result. Once completed, the layout design is saved as a PDF file. It is then possible to get a quote from B&R; as usual, you can expect the best possible prices and the shortest possible delivery times. In addition, the B&R design team stands ready to provide support on request at any time during the design phase.

The new Panel Designer can be found at the following address:

B&R Industrial Automation Corp. -

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