The Intel® Atom™ processors, which are based on an entirely new microarchitecture that is optimized for small size and minimum power consumption, supports the current trend towards compact and economical devices. With the switching cabinet PCs and the Panel PCs from B&R, there exists a wide range of well-established products available for the Atom™ platform.Fan-free operation - A plus for many applicationsThe Automation PC 620 and Panel PC 700, which have been proven in numerous applications, together with the Intel® Atom™ processor represent an unbeatable combination. Here, the housing construction of the APC620 and PPC700, which is optimized for fan-free operation, shows its full strength because the components that have to be cooled the most, such as processor and chipset, are mounted directly on the large heat sink. The Intel® Atom™ N270 processor with 1.6 GHz clock frequency offers a significantly higher performance than the Pentium® M 1.1 GHz. However, the power consumption of the Atom™ processor is less than that of a Celeron® M 600 processor. The user profits from the low current requirements and extended temperature range in fan-free operation compared to Pentium® M processors with the same performance. The new Atom™ generation can be equipped with up to 2 GB SDRAM, which results in twice as much memory.