The MDrivePlus integrated motor and electronics are combined with screw-driven linear slides to provide linear slide systems that are well suited for applications including lab and medical test equipment, pharmaceutical, packaging, linear motion and robotics.
Speeds of more than 60 inch/sec are attainable with standard linear slide leads of 0.1-, 0.2-, 0.5- and 1-inch travel per revolution, rivaling belts and cables, while offering exceptional positioning accuracy, repeatability and axial stiffness, says the vendor. The combined compact profile of the MDrivePlus and linear slides provides exceptional torsional stiffness and stability for its size and weight, the vendor says. The slide includes a precision aluminum guide and wear-compensating, anti-backlash driven carriage with precision rolled stainless steel lead screw.Intelligent Motion Systems Inc.www.imshome.comPhone:860.295.6102