Product liability laws come into play for OEMs if an injury occurs with one of their machines.
OSHA deploys regional inspectors to check whether workplaces comply with the valid rules and regulations.
The OSHA Rules under 29 CFR 1910 Subpart O, include general requirements for machines (1910.212) and a series of specific requirements for certain machine types. OSHA regulations define minimum requirements to guarantee safe places of employment. However, they should not prevent employers from applying innovative methods and techniques, e.g. “state-of-the-art” protective systems in order to maximize the safety of employees.
In conjunction with specific applications, OSHA specifies that all electrical equipment used to protect employees must be certified for the intended application by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory authorized by OSHA.
Additional information can be found at
>> Read Automation World's complete coverage: Adapting To The New Machine Safety Standard
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