Automation World is former publisher Dave Harvey's dream. With Dave's untimely passing, I have been made the steward of his dream—an awesome responsibility.No stranger to automation, as Associate Publisher of sister publication
Packaging World, I helped start the Packaging Automation Forum in 2006 and was instrumental in helping to shift the packaging community's mindset with the launch of
Packaging World's Controls and Integration section. I watched with wonder as OEM after OEM replaced chains, gears, clutches and brakes with multi-axis servos.I attended early OMAC meetings and watched the Pack ML programming standard being born (based on the ANSI/ISA88 batch standards for process control). And I have watched with great interest as Pack Expo expanded the show floor to include a processing pavilion.But 20-plus years of packaging experience does not an automation expert make. I've got my homework cut out for me (I am currently reading "Control Loop Foundation—Batch and Continuous Processes" by Terrence Blevins and Mark Nixon), attending as many automation events as possible, and traveling to meet with the many suppliers who have come to count on this magazine to carry their message.And I'm looking most forward to meeting with you, the readers, to discover what else you may need to do your job better, and how you want to consume this information.You have proven to us time and again that you want
Automation World, and you jump through hoops answering dozens of questions in order to continue receiving it. A growing trend is that you are asking for it to be sent to your home! You have a passion for successfully implementing automation into the manufacturing process. We're passionate about helping you do your job better.Sincerely,Jim Chrzan
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