Based in São Paulo, Brazil, the new team is led by Victor Venâncio Dias, contracted recently as general sales manager for Latin America.“The automation segment is growing, and we intended to build on that tendency. The new Westlock is exceeding customers’ expectations,” says Dias. He notes that the restructuring will allow the company to participate more strongly in all industrial process stages of its customers, from the project phase, installation, commissioning and start-up through systems maintenance.This restructuring also includes a new order for commercial representatives in all Brazilian territories and other Latin America countries. Another innovation is the training program about valves automation for customers, created with the objective of sharing the company knowledge.“We are investing so much in specialized personnel and in our plant in Brazil, because we believe that the Brazilian automation segment has a lot of growth potential,” Dias emphasizes. “Besides, a very strong market exists for high technology products that offer efficiency and reliability for many sectors, such as oil and gas, and sugar and ethanol. And it is that that we offer to the market.”