IO-Link System Expansion

March 20, 2019
Belden has expanded its Lumberg Automation LioN-Power IO-Link System to help address Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) connectivity needs through simplified device automation.

Updates improve versatility and cost-effectiveness. In addition to leveraging standardized protocols, the products feature user-friendly integration and configuration tools that eliminate the need for specialized programming skills. The system makes it possible to implement predictive maintenance by transmitting diagnostic data from intelligent IO-link sensors and actuators before a failure happens. Specific enhancements include two LioN-Power IO-Link I/O Hubs with 10 digital inputs and 6 digital outputs (10DI 6DO) and 16 universal usable inputs and outputs (16DIO); the ability to connect IO-Link Masters and I/O Hubs to process up to 132 I/O signals per system; and seamless operation with the TMG IO-Link Device Tool as well as the TE concept tool in the future.

>>For more information on this product, click here
Belden Inc.