FDT Group: Generic HART DTM R5.3 is Available in Multiple Languages and Helps to Minimize Training Costs

June 4, 2013
Recently released Generic HART® DTM R5.3 provides high usability with user interfaces in 5 (Chinese, German, English, French and Portuguese (Brazilian)) thus facilitating daily work for maintenance staff in a plant. This is especially helpful for companies that work in many countries and want to minimize training costs. Together with free of charge PACTware® this DTM is a perfect tool for most standard maintenance functions.

This compact DTM can be used for all HART® 5 field devices. Besides parameterization, diagnostics, display and archiving of measured values, 5 calibration functions are included. It can be used as a joker during PACTware® topology scan and supports basic condition monitoring (NE107) of a field device network in an easy way.

Five tutorials are available on our YouTube Channel showing you in less than 5 minutes how to use this DTM together with PACTware® 4.1.

Generic HART® DTM can be used with all field devices that are connected by modem, HART® multiplexer or Remote I/O system to the computer. It can be used on all workstations in a plant using the inexpensive site license.

For more information and to download Pactware and the DTM with a free 30 day trial license visit us at www.icsgmbh.com.