I/O Interface

Feb. 6, 2025

Beckhoff’s new EL8601-8411 EtherCAT Terminal offers interface flexibility in a compact, 12-mm-wide design. With up to 12 signal interfaces (8 DI, 2 DO, 1 AI, 1 AO) and nine signal types in one terminal, the multi-interface cam handle an array of applications. In addition to the digital inputs and outputs, one analog input and one analog output can be configured as a current or voltage signal. The digital inputs with configurable filter times can also be used for 24V HTL encoders with A/B track, including latch and gate function, or as an up/down counter with a counting frequency of up to 100kHz. Two of the digital outputs can be used as a PWM signal that can be modulated in both pulse width and frequency in a range of 20Hz to 25kHz.