Yokogawa Corporation of America

Sugarland, TX 77478


About Yokogawa Corporation of America


12530 West Airport Blvd.
Sugarland, TX 77478

More Info on Yokogawa Corporation of America

Our parent company, Yokogawa Electric Corporation, is dedicated to developing the most advanced control and instrumentation products and systems in the world. Today, Yokogawa has a firm hold on its position as a leading manufacturer in the fields of measurement, control, and information. As a major global player, the company anticipates the needs of the times, continually tackling new challenges and exploring new markets in order to provide the best solutions in the world.

Products & Press Releases

ExxonMobil Readies Open Process Automation Test Bed

ExxonMobil Readies Open Process Automation Test Bed

July 10, 2019
Yokogawa Electric Corporation selected to be the system integrator responsible for establishing the company’s OPA Test Bed.
2019: The Year of the Industrial Network Protocol

2019: The Year of the Industrial Network Protocol

The OPC Foundation, CC-Link Partner Association and ODVA have all made announcements about major moves planned for 2019, indicating serious movement toward greater device and ...
A conceptual framework of how operations, engineering and top management synaptic performance indicators (SPIs) are structured t

Integrated System Gives Operators Profitability Insight

July 5, 2018
Yokogawa’s OpreX Profit-driven Operation uses metrics methodology based on deep domain expertise to provide process industries plant visibility aligned with high-level objectives...
Aw 247072 1803np Yokogawa

Enterprise Pipeline Management Solution

March 13, 2018
R1.03, the latest version of Yokogawa’s Enterprise Pipeline Management Solution (EPMS), gains new capabilities.
Aw 159877 1711np Yokogawa

Network-Based Control System

Nov. 26, 2017
The newest version of the STARDOM system from Yokogawa includes a new E2 bus interface module that has been developed for use in FCN-500 autonomous controller extension units....
Aw 154052 Yokogawa Product

FieldMate - Mobile Field Device Management

Oct. 17, 2017
Versatile tablet-based configuration and maintenance tool
Producing a Profitable Plant

Producing a Profitable Plant

Feb. 13, 2017
Automation suppliers are using the cloud, analytics, simulation and even new forms of accounting to expose the hidden value within process equipment in the plant.
Aw 113689 Yokogawa Tabletpc Loopcheck 640

FieldMate Device Management Tool Runs on Tablets

Feb. 6, 2017
Field devices on multiple networks can be managed with a compact handheld computer.
Aw 113379 1701np Yokogawa

ISA100-Based Wireless Field Vibration Sensor

Jan. 27, 2017
The unit from Yokogawa features fast data updates and long battery life.
Introducing the Open Process Automation Forum. Finally.

Introducing the Open Process Automation Forum. Finally.

Jan. 4, 2017
ExxonMobil has spent a lot of its own energy convincing the automation community that there is a need for a standards-based control architecture. Now, under the umbrella of The...

Articles & News

Distillation column at JSR plant.

Artificial Intelligence Autonomously Controls JSR Chemical Plant

Using reinforcement learning AI developed by Yokogawa, along with other Yokogawa automation technologies, a distillation column at a JSR Corp. plant was autonomously operated ...
Getty Images
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Schneider Electric Continues its Open Automation Journey

June 14, 2022
Plug-and-produce hardware-independent software and agreements with Claroty and Intel accelerate the new era of automation software.
Cover Image

Survey Charts Industrial Autonomy Progress in Sustainability

Feb. 17, 2022
In a recent survey conducted by Yokogawa, environmental sustainability was identified as one of the areas where autonomous technologies would have the most significant impact....
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UniversalAutomation.Org Founded to Facilitate Interoperable Automation

Dec. 1, 2021
Several automation technology suppliers and end users have partnered to create an independent, not-for-profit association to accelerate the development and deployment of vendor...
Business Intelligence

Automation Spending Trends Diverge in Continuous Processing

Research shows that digital transformation is the primary driver of automation technology spending across the discrete, batch, and continuous process industries. But which technologies...
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How Automation is Helping Industry Adapt to Today’s Workforce Reality

Though it represents one of the greater job skill challenges for new entrants, technology is increasingly viewed as a key attractor for the next-generation industrial workforce...
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Why Remote Access is More Widely Used in the Process Industries

From dealing with core operating factors such as the hazardous and remote location of many assets to new consolidation and outsourcing trends, the process industries are leading...
Ofaf Vision Arc 2021

Users Unite as the Open Process Automation Journey Continues

Feb. 17, 2021
From the evolving standard to test labs, movement to an interoperable framework is taking shape. But the OPAF group is asking for more help from manufacturers.
The Robex Staxx palletizer is offered on the Flexx Machine-as-a-Service program.

Paying for Performance

Sept. 11, 2020
The new automation model focuses on services that reduce a manufacturer’s financial risks by shifting the responsibility of asset acquisition on to the OEM or technology supplier...
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Open-Source Software Meets Industrial Automation

Feb. 25, 2020
As more automation technology suppliers incorporate open-source tools, the ability to use open-source software in automation projects no longer depends on access to arcane software...

Videos & Resources

Aw Title Card

Artificial Intelligence Operates Chemical Plant

A look at how Yokogawa’s AI technology controlled a JSR chemical plant for 35 days and how manufacturers are using AI to analyze sensor data.
Aw Cover Base
Take Five

The Next Stage of the Open Process Control Journey

July 1, 2022
OPAF, Schneider Electric working on universal automation for industrial control.
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Take Five

Cloud Computing, Industrial Autonomy, and Corporate Sustainability

June 17, 2022
By enabling industrial autonomy, use of the industrial cloud can have a significant impact on corporate sustainability initiatives.
Remote Access
Take Five

Why Remote Access is Popular in Continuous Processing

Find out in this Take Five video why the use of remote access tends to be higher in the processing industries than in discrete manufacturing and where processing companies tend...

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All content from Yokogawa Corporation of America

1912 F2 1

Where Are They Now? An Open Process Automation Forum Update

Dec. 6, 2019
As the group readies version 2.0 of its open process automation standard, there’s an overarching feeling of unity but an underlying concern about what this architecture really...
Going to grayscale is catching on as a best practice in alarm management. Reserving color for abnormalities draws the operator’s

How Serious Are You About Alarm Management?

An Automation World reader survey detects a rising interest in alarm management best practices. It finds that, though many users are investing in new software, many are also missing...
Aw 284201 1907 F1 1

Not So Fast: TSN Not Quite Ready for Prime Time

Though standardization efforts for Time-Sensitive Networking continue at pace, it is still years before industry should expect to see a bumper crop of compatible products.
Aw 282731 1905 F1 1

Putting the Pieces Together for a Secure Industry

May 9, 2019
Cybersecurity alliances are a key part of protecting the industrial sector from an increasingly coordinated and sophisticated attack base. How much can—or should—automation vendors...
Industry Convenes to Change the Future of Control

Industry Convenes to Change the Future of Control

July 12, 2018
The Open Process Automation Forum has been hard at work to develop a reference architecture that will transform process control systems. But there are still concerns around functionalit...

Oil and Gas Hunker Down

Nov. 29, 2017
After weathering storms both economic and meteorological, will the industry stick to the hard-won lessons it has learned about the importance of optimization and process improvement...
Figure 1: FDT-enabled systems makes it easier to access field equipment in many facilities that use more than one communication

Mixed Topology Architectures Can Benefit from Integrated Asset Management Strategies

July 19, 2017
Versatile tools give users central & remote access to all devices, paving the way to efficient plant operations
Figure 1: GranBio is the first company in South America to produce second-generation ethanol to help with the production of clea

Bioethanol Producer Employs Advanced Automation Technology to Optimize Integration, Operation and Lifecycle Management of Critical Assets

May 3, 2017
Brazilian company GranBio avoids unnecessary maintenance work and plant shutdowns with integrated device configuration, asset management and remote access solutions
Fog Computing vs. Edge Computing: What’s the Difference?

Fog Computing vs. Edge Computing: What’s the Difference?

As companies explore the Internet of Things, fog computing and edge computing take center stage as strategic ways of dealing with the plethora of data to be analyzed and acted...