In the paper, the OMP explains that data sources such as shop floor machines, supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, manufacturing execution systems (MES), enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, and distributed control systems (DCS) have historically been proprietary, thereby inherently limiting interoperability. “Going forward, Industry 4.0 will necessitate the breaking down of these silos, and openness and interoperability will be essential to intelligent systems that persist into the future,” the authors of the white paper note.
A key point in the paper focuses on production asset level connectivity, specifically highlighting the prominence of OPC UA and MQTT. According to the paper: “At the OT level, there are many different protocols. Specialized real-time protocols (like Profinet or Powerlink) are often not compatible with the IT systems since the first group often has different ISO/OSI layers than the standard Ethernet protocol commonly used by IT systems. For the connection between OT and IT levels, two standards have developed a wide adoption in the last years: OPC UA (Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture) and MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport). Both protocols are seen as common factory standards since they are vendor and hardware independent. Most OT device manufacturers have included at least one of these two protocols in their state-of-the-art products. This is the reason why this working group mainly focuses on these two protocols.”
The authors advocate for the use of OPC UA and MQTT because of OPC UA’s “widespread use in the manufacturing sector, self-describing behavior, data semantic standardization groups, and support for modern security standards. The OPC UA Foundation standardizes data exchange as a platform-independent, service-oriented architecture. If the implementation of OPC UA is not reasonable or applicable, the use of MQTT as a transport protocol is a valid alternative. The choice of data formats and transport protocols should be considered based on the specific use case. For example, for a lightweight IoT sensor, a complex OPC UA implementation may not be possible due to hardware limitations. If OPC UA or MQTT is not natively supported, an adapter on the production asset level is a good solution to transform data from the proprietary asset interface to OPC UA or MQTT. An alternate solution is the installation of a software adapter at the edge level where the data is filtered, combined, and converted to the northbound edge protocol (MQTT). The overall goal is to transform and harmonize the data as early as possible in the communication process.”
The bottom line here is that it is increasingly clear that OPC UA and MQTT are projected to be the key methods for open data communication on the plant floor and connecting with IT systems at the enterprise level and into the cloud for the foreseeable future.
Read more about MQTT and OPC UA here: