OPC Foundation

Auburn Township, OH 44023


About OPC Foundation


9967 E. Washington Street, Unit A
Auburn Township, OH 44023
(1) 440 543 2663

More Info on OPC Foundation

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The OPC Foundation is dedicated to ensuring interoperability in automation by creating and maintaining open specifications that standardize the communication of acquired process data, alarm and event records, historical data, and batch data to multi-vendor enterprise systems and between production devices. Production devices include sensors, instruments, PLCs, RTUs, DCSs, HMIs, historians, trending subsystems, alarm subsystems, and more as used in the process industry, manufacturing, and in acquiring and transporting oil, gas, and minerals. The Vision of the OPC Foundation is to provide the best technology, specifications, certification and processes to enable companies to build products and services that demonstrate multiplatform multi-vendor secure reliable interoperability.  OPC Foundation members benefit by being able to take advantage of the technology and marketing necessary to become the leaders in the industry supporting industrial standards for industrial automation and beyond.

Products & Press Releases

Today’s Digital Transformation Reality

Today’s Digital Transformation Reality

Dana Inc. and Streamline Innovations show how digital transformations can start today in the discrete and process industries using Ignition to overcome legacy infrastructure’s...
Industry 4.0 with a pharma focus

Industry 4.0 with a Pharma Focus

June 10, 2019
Knowing that IoT software and services in pharma are expected to reach $2.5 billion by 2020, this builder of pharmaceutical packaging machinery is rolling out a robust Industry...
The Future of Industrial Networking

The Future of Industrial Networking

May 22, 2019
During the Automation World Conference & Expo, a panel of technology experts discussed how advanced networking technologies will lead to open, standards-based communication from...
Is a Universal Industrial Network Coming Soon?

Is a Universal Industrial Network Coming Soon?

A new paper from ARC Advisory Group explores the potential of creating a universal industrial network through the combination of OPC UA and time-sensitive networking.
2019: The Year of the Industrial Network Protocol

2019: The Year of the Industrial Network Protocol

The OPC Foundation, CC-Link Partner Association and ODVA have all made announcements about major moves planned for 2019, indicating serious movement toward greater device and ...
Siemens' TSN Strategy via Profinet and OPC UA

Siemens' TSN Strategy via Profinet and OPC UA

Siemens' real-time networking strategy will rely heavily on Time Sensitive Networking to deliver data from field devices to the cloud, connect machinery from multiple vendors ...
How to Use OPC UA for Secure Communications

How to Use OPC UA for Secure Communications

A new white paper from the OPC Foundation provides details for end users, system integrators, device vendors and OEMs on how to secure industrial data exchanges with OPC UA.
Clearing Up Some IIoT Communication Confusion

Clearing Up Some IIoT Communication Confusion

With so many open communication standards for automation networks now widely available, some users have begun to wonder whether they should use OPC UA, MQTT or AMQP. The answer...
Behind the Industrial Technology Integration Scenes

Behind the Industrial Technology Integration Scenes

How FDT Group and OPC Foundation are collaborating to help automation suppliers connect edge devices with manufacturing, enterprise and cloud-based applications.
A Serialization Standard for the Plant

A Serialization Standard for the Plant

March 16, 2017
OPEN-SCS is solving how to seamlessly exchange serialization data between packaging lines by leveraging existing plant floor standards. The group promises that their work will...

Articles & News

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industrial cybersecurity

Homeland Security Issues Secure-by-Demand Document for OT Devices

March 4, 2025
Because many automation hardware and software components have cybersecurity weaknesses, this document provides detailed guidance for operations technology owners and operators...
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OPC UA Adds Standardized REST Interface

May 9, 2023
The OPC Foundation says this addition is a significant step forward in ensuring the interoperability of industrial automation and IoT systems by allowing IT applications to access...

3 Big Industrial Networking Developments

Ethernet-APL to become more widely available, ownership of the Process Automation Device Information Model expands, and development of a single standard for an interoperable OPC...
Aw Web Feature

Making Sense of Industrial Networks: Fieldbus and -20mA in the Age of IoT

Aug. 2, 2022
This installment in our series on key industrial network technologies explains why fieldbus and 4-20mA communications remain relevant despite the proliferation of Ethernet-based...
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Supplier News

Joint Consortium Standardizes Common "Power Consumption Management" for the Shop Floor

June 7, 2022
A new interface standard for the acquisition of energy consumption data in industrial manufacturing is being developed by ODVA, OPC Foundation, PI, and VDMA based on OPC UA.
Opc Foundation
Supplier News

OPC Foundation Elects Board of Directors Members and Names Dr. Holger Kenn as Chairman

June 7, 2022
The OPC Foundation is proud to welcome Dr. Holger Kenn (Microsoft), Mr. Claudius Link (SAP), Mr. Andreas Faath (VDMA), Mr. Aurelien Le Sant (Schneider-Electric) and Dr. Kazuhiro...
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Supplier News

Single Common Conformance Test Plan to be Available for the IEC/IEEE 60802 TSN Profile for Industrial Automation

June 7, 2022
The Avnu Alliance, CC-Link Partner Association, ODVA, OPC Foundation, and PROFIBUS & PROFINET International jointly announce that they are collaborating to develop a single conformance...
Fieldbus organizations like the EtherCAT Technology Group acknowledge the value of OPC UA and see it as a complementary standard in industrial control networking. Courtesy: EtherCAT Technology Group

How OPC UA Creates Interoperability and Gives Data Context

May 17, 2022
This second installment in a four-part series on key industrial network technologies explains why OPC UA continues to be recognized as the global interoperability method of choice...
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New Industrial Control System Security Threat

The U.S. government’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency issues new alert about attacks targeting ICS/SCADA devices.
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Supplier News

Leading IoT Vendors Commit to OPC UA Adoption

Feb. 24, 2022
Major IoT vendors including AWS, Google Cloud, IBM, Microsoft, SAP and SIEMENS leverage secure, standardized information exchange in edge-to-cloud applications based on OPC UA...

Videos & Resources

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Take Five

How OPC UA and MQTT Enable Interoperability

A look at how the OPC UA and MQTT industrial communications methods enable interoperability between automation devices and systems.
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Take Five

Security Alert for Industrial Control Systems

U.S. Government issues warning about new cyberthreats that impact control systems and SCADA devices across industries.
Take Five

FDT 3.0: A Secure, Scalable Data Exchange Standard for IIoT

Aug. 20, 2021
The FDT Group’s platform-independent development tools enable unobstructed communication from sensors to the cloud. Watch this Take Five video to find out more.
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SPS 2012: OPC UA Comes of Age

Dec. 6, 2012
Tom Burke, OPC Foundation President, discusses information integration and device communications featuring embedded OPC UA.
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New OPC Technology Discussed at Summit

Oct. 25, 2012
Gary Mitchell, Co-founder and Editor in Chief, recaps the inaugural OPC Technology Summit held in Orlando, Fla., October 17-18. Mintchell discusses OPC technology advances and...
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State of the State on Device-to-Controller Interoperability

June 22, 2012
Tom Burke, president and executive director of the OPC Foundation delivers the latest information on device to controller interoperability.

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All content from OPC Foundation


OPC Foundation Updates Field Level Communication Specs and Launches Cloud Library

Dec. 16, 2021
New specifications address OPC UA information models and networking services, while the OPC UA Cloud Library provides information model access for applications.
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How BMW Improves Interoperability with OPC UA and Edge Computing

June 24, 2021
BMW explains how OPC UA has helped the company improve communication, data exchange, and interoperability among assets, systems, and locations.
This illustration highlights the focus of the OPC UA FX initiative around controller-to-controller and controller-to-device communications in the areas of determinism, motion, I/O, instruments, and safety. Source: OPC Foundation.

Work on OPC UA at the Field Level Advances

Support for 5G wireless, controller-to-device and device-to-device communications, time-sensitive networking, and Ethernet advanced physical layer are among the highlights of ...
Industrial IoT architectures typically comprise out of a production asset level, edge level and cloud level. Source: Open Manufacturing Platform

Crossing the Interoperability Chasm

Dec. 17, 2020
A new white paper from the Open Manufacturing Platform highlights production asset level connectivity issues, with a focus on OPC UA and MQTT.
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Network Protocols Harmonize Around Time-Sensitive Networking

Aug. 14, 2020
As the TSN standard nears completion, excitement is growing over the prospect of bringing IT and OT closer together. Industrial protocol associations have been working hard with...
The well-known trunk-and-spur configuration will serve as the general topology for Ethernet-APL. Source: Profibus & Profinet International.

OPC Foundation Joins APL Project; Announces OPC UA Motion

Highlighting its role in the development of new industrial process and discrete communications, the OPC Foundation has joined the advanced physical layer for industrial Ethernet...

New Process Information Model and Two-Wire Ethernet Protocol Coming Soon

FieldComm Group explains the role of a new information model from NAMUR and an emerging two-wire Ethernet protocol for process automation applications.
Profinet Safety, Security, and TSN Announcements

Profinet Safety, Security, and TSN Announcements

At Hannover Messe 2019, Profibus & Profinet International highlighted its ongoing work with the OPC Foundation around TSN, OPC UA’s use of ProfiSafe, and a new white paper designed...
OPC Foundation Announces Fall Seminar Tour

OPC Foundation Announces Fall Seminar Tour

Aug. 25, 2017
A series of events across the U.S. and Canada this fall highlight the features and real world applications of the OPC UA industrial automation communication protocol.