Whether you want to develop a DTM, integrate FDT 1.2.x or FDT2 in your system or distribute your own stand-alone FDT/FRAME interface, M&M has the right products for you! All M&M products are designed to provide the best possible support, increase productivity and deliver desired results within the fastest possible time!
OEM fdtCONTAINER application OEM fdtCONTAINER application makes it possible for you to have your own FDT frame application with your company specific branding. Bundle this frame application with your DTMs and distribute it to your customers as a complete turnkey solution for device parameterization.
fdtCONTAINER component Start integrating FDT in your software application(s) today and use M&M’s fdtCONTAINER component, the official “common component” for FDT frame applications.
dtmMANAGER Development Suite Use the M&M dtmMANAGER development suite to develop high-quality DTMs for FDT 1.2.x and FDT2. This product allows you to fully focus on the essence – your device – instead of the FDT specification. This saves you time and effort.
basicDTM Provide M&M with your EDD file and we will generate a DTM for you within days – the fastest and cheapest way to get a DTM!