ABB Inc: Motor Control Center with Arc Flash Protection

Sept. 5, 2012
ABB releases a UL 845-rated, low-voltage motor control center designed to address the causes of arc flash.

Targeting markets with UL-845, CSA or NOM requirements and applications where arc flash is a concern, ABB now offers a low-voltage motor control center including plug-in type, withdrawable type, and full height unit technology, with up to 4000A horizontal bus and 1600A vertical bus.

According to ABB, no other motor control center on the market allows the operator to remove a unit with the door closed, with no tools, and without disconnecting any wires. In essence this means that work can be performed outside the arc flash boundary.

Applications where this motor control center fit best include chemical plants, mining facilities, steel mills, paper mills, and water and wastewater facilities.

By incorporating IEC-approved features from its other motor control center products, ABB designed the MNS-MCC low voltage motor control center so that it meets UL 845, CSA C22.2 and IBC-2006 standards. Unit type offerings for the MNS-MCC include starters, soft-starters, variable frequency drives, and mains and feeder breakers.

MNS-MCC feature details include:
• Meets ANSI C37.20.7 arc flash requirements without a current limiting main device or installation restrictions.
• A multi-function wall provides a fault-free zone with a touch-safe IP20 rating; bus shutters are not required.
• All compartments can be accessed from the front of the unit and all wiring terminals are located in the vertical wireway.
• PPE (personal protective equipment) requirements for MNS-MCC are reduced from from level 2 to level 0 per table 130.7(c) in NFPA.
• UMC-100 intelligent overload relay allows MNS-MCC components to communicate with other equipment.